PT PLN Batubara Niaga (PLNBBN) which was established on August 2, 2019 with a Special Production Operation Mining Business License (IUP-OPK) for the Transportation and Sales of Coal is a Subsidiary of PT PLN Batubara (PLNBB) has committed to ensuring the security of coal supply for the PLTU IPP and other industrial needs outside the power plant, this has the aim of creating primary energy cost efficiency for the PLN Group.



Becoming a Trusted Coal and Biomass Supply Solution


  • Manage the supply of Coal and Biomass, along with their supporters in an integrated manner
  • Improving the capacity and capability of superior and competitive human resources
  • Running the Company's Business in a sustainable, innovative and environmentally friendly manner 


The Real Energy Solution


Fanina Andini

Dewan Komisaris

Completing S1 Psychology at Padjajaran University by starting a career as Corporate Secretary of PT Cogindo Daya Bersama, then became Head of Corporate Communication of PT Indonesia Power, then as Corporate Culture Manager at PT Indonesia Power, and is currently trusted as The Board of Commissioners of PT PLN Batubara Niaga.

Jalani hidup sepenuhnya karena kita hanya hidup sekali

Kanapi Subur Dwiyanto

Direktur Utama

Completed his bachelor degree in Industrial Engineering from Tritunggal University, Surabaya, in 2004. Started his career as an employee of PT PLN (Persero) KITLUR East Java & Bali on May 1, 1993. Subsequently became a PLTU Gresik Power Plant Operator, SPV System Owner PLTU/PLTGU at PT PJB Gresik Generation Unit, Engineering Manager of PT PJB Services, Senior Specialist in Engineering Learning at PT PJB Academy, Vice President of Operations & Quality Control at PT PLN Batubara.  Since July 15, 2021, he has been trusted to serve as the President Director of PT PLN Batubara Niaga.

“Keberanian mengambil keputusan pada kondisi yang sulit, adalah bukti kematangan seorang pemimpin”



Completed his Bachelor's degree in Informatics Engineering, SWADHARMA, in 2003 and obtained his Master's degree in Electricity Business, ITB, Bandung, in 2009. He has held a professional career as Instrument Maintenance PLTU/PLTGU Muara Karang, Power Plant Operator PLTU Muara Karang, SPV System Owner PLTU/PLTGU Muara Karang, SPV Instrument Maintenance PLTU/PLTGU Muara Karang , Plant Manager at PLTU Air Anyir in Bangka-Belitung, Plant Manager at PLTU Kendari in Southeast Sulawesi, Performance & Corporate Manager, PT PJB Service, in Surabaya and then as Expert Maintenance at UPHB Jakarta, and Expert Staff of President Director PT PLN Batubara, in Jakarta. Now he is trusted to serve as PLT Director, at PT PLN Batubara Niaga.

Selamat Datang di Website PT PLN Batubara Niaga, Dengan Website ini kami berharap kami akan lebih dekat kepada anda, dalam rangka mengenalkan produk-produk kami, serta dapat bersinergi dengan anda. Sehingga kita semua dapat tumbuh bersama dalam mencapai tujuan yang kita dambakan. Produk kami utamanya adalah memberikan pelayanan dengan kualitas terbaik bagi mitra yang membutuhkan pasokan batubara dengan berbagai spesifikasi baik LRC (Low Range Coal), MRC (Medium Range Coal), HRC (High Range Coal) ataupun batubara dengan spesifikasi khusus (Special Purpose Coal), bagi sektor ketenagalistrikan umum ataupun industri non-ketenagalistrikan. Kedepan kami akan mengembangkan usaha lainnya yang terkait dengan penyediaan energi primer, guna meningkatkan pelayanan kami bagi mitra, seperti : - Pengelolaan Stockpile - Biomass - Coal Processing Plant - Dan lain-lain Kami percaya, bahwa kunci kesuksesan bersama adalah dengan terjalin baiknya hubungan kami dengan para mitra Terima kasih telah mengunjungi kami di Website ini, semoga kiranya memberikan manfaat bagi anda, kami dan para stakeholder lain. Rachmatsyah, PLT Direktur, PT. PLN Batubara Niaga.


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Providing quality coal in accordance with the needs and specifications required by customers with competent Human Resources and having strong life values through synergy and integration between all stakeholders to meet customer expectations.

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To become a reliable coal supplier by ensuring a long-term and sustainable supply of coal in any condition or situation.

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Delivery of coal to customers in a timely manner with an integration process from upstream to downstream.

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Providing coal supply at a more competitive and efficient price for PLTU IPP (fulfilling the Optimizing Cost Efficiency aspect).